Loss of blood derivatives: Medical-surgical recommendations to reduce their use

Pérdida de derivados sanguíneos: Recomendaciones medicoquirúrgicas para disminuir su uso

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Cesar Eduardo Jiménez Jiménez


The use of blood derivatives has been decreasing in medical practice due to the increase in diseases transmitted by transfusions and the clear knowledge of physicians when considering transfusion as a true transplant with all its complications. Surgeons are faced with the refusal of some patients to receive blood derivatives for personal or religious convictions, as in the case of Jehovah's Witnesses. There are many measures to reduce the use and loss of blood in surgery, ranging from a good surgical technique, through the use of substances that promote the volume of red blood cells, such as erythropoietin and iron, antifibrinolytic substances such as analogues of lysine, intraoperative measures to reduce blood loss, such as cell salvage and anesthetic techniques for the same purpose. In this article a Jehovah's Witness patient is presented, handled with some of these measures and a revision is made on the current recommendations in advanced transfusion practices.



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