Psychosocial needs of the patient who enters the ICU for the first time: Hospital of San José de Bogotá D.C.

Necesidades psocisociales del paciente que ingresa por primera vez a la UCI: Hospital de San José de Bogotá D.C.

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María Elena Algarra
Marlene Arias
Esperanza Benavides
Sandra L. García
Blanca Flor Melo
Yohana Niño


Resorting to research as a means to discover those needs presented by patients in the ICU of the Hospital of San José, gives us the possibility to project our work as a means to improve their permanence and care conditions by specialized personnel. The exercise of our profession requires us to start from the psychosocial needs, which are broken down in this research to project attention that contributes to the improvement of the quality of those who pass through the ICU. This is a qualitative study, whose sample consisted of 15 patients from the ICU of the Hospital of San José, to whom an open-ended questionnaire was applied in order to recognize the psychosocial needs of the adult admitted to the unit. In addition, it allows identifying them, prioritizing the most relevant ones that were manifested and based on the answers, it became clear that a direct relationship between nurse and patient is necessary, which enriches the communication process and therefore helps in the satisfaction of psychosocial needs. fundamental social



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Article Details


• Helderearp P. Relaciones interpersonales en enfermería: un marco de referencia para la enfermera psicodinámica. Barcelona; Salvat, 1995, p.15

• Weley R. Teorías y modelos de enfermería. México Interamericana; 1995, p.27

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