Ocular manifestations of marfan syndrome

Manifestaciones oculares del síndrome de marfán

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Mario Osorio Chacón
Alfonso Tribín Gómez
Maria Paula Hernández Rodríguez
Juan José Vanegas Acevedo
Liliana Vidales Correa


Marfan syndrome (MS) is a pathology that affects multiple organs and when not managed properly is very disabling with high social cost to health systems. Within the affected organs is the visual, with manifestations that do not exhibit a typicity pattern due to the lack of studies that include the complete ophthalmological examination as an integral part of the assessment and treatment. The presence of ophthalmological alterations and the identification of certain physical examination characteristics can precede the manifestations of the other systems that comprise the complex diagnosis of this syndrome, which leads to an early approach with early and effective management of visual alterations. The objective of this study is to analyze the ophthalmological findings of patients with MS and describe the most common alterations in this population. Abbreviation: SM, Marfan syndrome.



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