Necrotizing fasciitis

Fascitis necrosante

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Oscar Eduardo Mendoza Ramírez
Ronald Antonio Medina Lombo


Despite being a pathology with such low incidence, necrotizing fasciitis (FN) is important for its severe sequelae and high mortality rate. This review seeks to expand the basic knowledge of a disease whose physiopathology is just beginning to be elucidated. There is a false belief that its devastating behavior is secondary to the aggressiveness of the germs involved in its etiology, however its implacable evolution is due in essence to the decrease in the perfusion of the compromised tissues, as an effect of the inflammatory cascade located in the fascias that are a space from the anatomical point of view susceptible to changes in tissue pressure. Our review seeks to clarify misconceptions through a detailed exposition of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical, diagnosis and treatment, providing valuable elements so that all medical personnel, both undergraduate, as well as general health professionals and specialists, acquire the ability to identify it. and manage it early, thus achieving an important impact on their mortality. Abbreviations: FN, Necrotizing fasciitis.



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