Cellulitis and erysipelas

Celulitis y erisipela

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Edgar Olmos Olmos
Diego Andrés Bonilla González


Among soft tissue infections cellulitis and erysipelas are especially important because they are frequent causes of skin and subcutaneous tissue infections that are characterized by edema, erythema and skin pain that is affected, of acute onset and that are usually associated with with systemic symptoms such as fever, chills or discomfort. They are mostly caused by gram-positive bacteria such as group A Streptococcus or Staphylococcus aureus. In immunocompetent patients most of the time the treatment is successful, but in some cases there are complications or recurrences that require different management. There is not enough evidence to firmly recommend one antibiotic scheme over another, nor parenteral over oral route. The identification and control of predisposing factors decreases the recurrence rate. Some exposures or locations are related to atypical germs that must be covered in those cases. Patients who have two or more cases of cellulitis or erysipelas in the same anatomical site in a year could benefit from prophylactic antibiotic treatment.



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