Creation and evolution of the research group: Perspectives of care / Definition of research lines

Creación y evolución del grupo de investigación: Perspectivas del cuidado / Definición de las líneas de investigación

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Ana Julia Carrillo Algarra
Lucy Muñoz
Merideidy Plazas Vargas


Nursing is a professional discipline whose disciplinary component was strengthened in the 20th century. As it is necessary to continue the process, the contribution of the academy in an organized way is of paramount importance and one of the alternatives is through the creation of lines of research. Aware of this, the Faculty of Nursing of the University Foundation of Health Sciences decided to carry out the process with the participation of its teachers and thus guide the lines of research according to the areas of knowledge and the established theoretical and methodological approaches. For development, the concept of integrative research was assumed, according to which the research lines have to do both with the thematic area and with the level, phases and types of research. 1 The process was qualitative and originated with a group of two nurses with specialization and experience in different areas and an epidemiologist, who reviewed and analyzed the research carried out by teachers and students in the history of research production of the faculty, since 1992 in undergraduate and from 1996 in the specializations. The results were taken as a basis to identify the subjects of interest of the professors and two lines of research were defined: "Historical and theoretical development of nursing" and "Nursing in the care of the person". In each one, the areas that comprise it were determined and founded. The process culminated with the creation of the Care Perspectives group and its registration in COLCIENCIAS. Abbreviations: FENF, Faculty of Nursing; FUCS, University Foundation of Health Sciences.



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