Mild pre-eclampsia: Home care

Preeclampsia leve: Cuidados en casa

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Margarita Pérez
Olga Lucía Prieto
Christi Dianne Barrera Triviño
Mónica Patricia Benavides Ariza
Liliana Bernal Duque
Diana Carolina Franco Susatama
Marcela Sánchez Orozco


The objective of this study is to detect the care needs perceived by pregnant women diagnosed with mild preeclampsia who manage their pathology at home. An exploratory descriptive qualitative research was conducted by interviewing pregnant women with this diagnosis attended at the Hospital de San José in Bogotá DC. To determine the number that was needed, the saturation principle was taken into account, which was fulfilled with eight patients. The analysis of the data was done by editing and based on the theory of substitution or help through the model of human needs for life and health, as a nucleus in the nursing action of Virginia Henderson, in which it was found that these ill require strict care in the management of four basic needs that are physiological, safety, love and belonging, and self-realization. In each of them the most relevant were: taking blood pressure, tranquility, affection of their family and more information about the pathology they suffer. The reality seen in the present investigation generates great expectation regarding the importance of the participation of the professional nurse in the care of the pregnant woman with the aforementioned pathology, both in the area of ​​promotion and prevention and in the early diagnosis, timely treatment and limitation of the hurt. Abbreviations: PRE-L, mild preeclampsia.



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