Considerations on foreign language training at the university foundation of health sciences

Consideraciones sobre la formación en lengua extranjera en la fundación universitaria de ciencias de la salud

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Ricardo Augusto Gómez Becerra


The learning of a foreign language passes through pedagogical and evaluative processes different from those of any other academic or scientific knowledge, since it is about developing competences and not acquiring a specific knowledge. This document aims to show the academic community of the Foundation the basic principles of the educational process that the Language Center has implemented for all academic programs, and at the same time tries to account for the importance of the use of a second language in the processes of training of future professionals in the health sciences.



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Article Details


- Bases para una Nación Bilingüe y Competitiva. (s.f.). Artículo en línea, en: Consultado el 20 de julio de 2009.

- Ministerio de Educación Nacional - República de Colombia (2006). Formar en Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés ¡El Reto! Bogotá: Imprenta Nacional.

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