Occipital lobe epilepsy

Epilepsia occipital

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Eduardo Palacios
Leonardo Bello
Daniela Maldonado
Fernando Martínez


Epilepsy and its overall semiology and physiology have been subject to Innumerable definition attempts which have taken many years of effort. Likewise, a proposal for an epilepsy classification based on onset and precipitating factors was developed dividing seizures into focal and generalized seizures. This article reviews occipital lobe epilepsy which was formerly classified in the partial seizures group characterized by a favorable course and prognosis over time and by onset during early childhood. A possible genetic hereditary origin and that they may be sporadic has been described for some of these problems and still require a thorough investigation. Thus, it is necessary to conduct an extensive review onoccipital lobe epilepsy for obtaining conceptual, clinical and diagnostic clarity as well as, to enhance knowledge on this illness for improving quality of life and clinical treatment in patients experiencing this spectrum of disorders.



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