Pain management in hospitalized neonates: Extended literature review

Manejo de dolor en neonatos hospitalizados: Revisión ampliada de la literatura

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Héctor Romero
Carlos Artemo García
Jack Paul Galindo


Background: Patients hospitalized in the newborn unit are exposed to manipulations and medical procedures that can cause pain (even if this is not evident), stress and disturbance of wakefulness, being preterm a vulnerable group. Not receiving adequate treatment or in a timely manner, as well as being under the presence of pain, causes metabolic and systemic changes related to the release of hormones associated with stress, leading to being more susceptible to infections due to low immune system response. Methodology: systematic search in databases OVID, MDConsult, HINARI, PUBMED, THE COCHRANE LIBRARY, UPTODATE and EMBASE, with Mesh terms in different combinations, as well as DeCS terms. Articles in English and Spanish that were not published more than ten years ago were reviewed. In some, a snowball search was conducted. Conclusions: there are pharmacological measures or not with evidence for pain management in procedures that are carried out in the neonatal intensive care unit; they should be put into practice and use scales that adequately assess the presence of pain in the newborn. Abbreviations: RN, newborn (s); NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.



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