Spontaneous rupture of the achilles tendon in a young patient with no medical history

Ruptura espontánea del tendón de aquiles en paciente joven sin antecedentes patológicos

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Francisco Javier García
Rafael A. Brunicardi
Francis K. Graziano
David Marulanda
José Fernando Polo


The rupture of the Achilles tendon represents 20% of all injuries of long tendons of the human body. Spontaneous injury is rare and is related to the chronic use of corticosteroids and fluoroquinolones, chronic renal failure and collagen diseases. The forced dorsiflexion with the foot in plantiflexion is the most frequent mechanism, being the result of a force of eccentric contraction of the gastrosóleos combined with the forces of reaction to the floor. We consider it important to report this case because it is a 22-year-old patient with spontaneous rupture and histopathological studies, which contrasts with what is reported in the literature. Abbreviations: TA, Achilles tendon.



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