Mild pancreatitis: relation between CRP (c-reactive protein) levels and resuming oral nutrition

Pancreatitis leve: relación entre PCR (proteína C reactiva) y el inicio de vía oral Hospital de San José, January 2002 - January 2007

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Guillermo Aldana
Carolina Díaz


An observational historical cohort study was conducted to explore the relation between CRP (C-reactive protein) values and resuming oral intake in patients with acote mild pancreatitis admitted to Hospital de San José Bogotá DC between January 2002 and January 2007. An epidemiologic analysis and comparison with international publications was conducted. Out of 247 clinical records reviewed 117 met inclusion criteria. Oral feeding did not have to be suspended in any patient once reinitiated and a decline in CRP levels was observed as compared with initial values. The percentage of severe pancreatitis (34%) was higher in our institution while the rest of values were similar to those reported in literature. The mean value of CRP after resuming oral nutrition was 4.5 mg/dl (SD 5.5), a figure which may be used in future prospective studies.



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