Prevalence of breast malignant pathology in women more than 14 years old General surgery department - Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC, 2009

Prevalencia de patología maligna de seno en mujeres mayores de 14 años Servicio de cirugía general, Hospital de San José, Bogotá D.C., 2009

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Óscar Armando García Angulo
José Ismael Guío Ávila
Luis Fernando Guarnizo Capera


This is a descriptive cross sectional study conducted to determine the prevalence of breast malignant pathology in women more than 14 years old who consulted for a palpable solid mass in the breast to the General Surgery Department at Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC. between March 2009 and February 2010. The prevalence rate was 18.1%. Mean age was 60.1 years. Average age at onset of menopause was 50 years, age at first birth 25.8 years and number of children 1.7. Average period of time they breast fed their children was 10.5 months. There were no personal antecedents of breast cancer, and family history of this malignancy was found in 13.3% only. Sixty-five (78.3%) of the palpable solid masses were detected by self-exam. The mean time of appearance was 14.1 months (SD: 17 months) and the majority of patients reported pain as associated clinical manifestation. The predominant BIRADS classification for ultrasound and mammography in women with malignancy was type 4. The predominant result in biopsies was, infiltrating ductal carcinoma (80%), and fibroadenoma (56%), a benign condition. Surgery was the most frequently used therapeutic intervention.



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