Ischemic cerebrovascular attack: Demographic and clinical characterization. Hospital of San José de Bogotá DC, 2012-2013

Ataque cerebrovascular isquémico: Caracterización demográfica y clínica. Hospital de San José de Bogotá DC, 2012-2013

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Eduardo Palacios Sánchez
Javier Darío Triana
Angélica María Gómez
Melissa Ibarra Quiñones


Cerebrovascular disease is of high global prevalence, with risk factors, triggers and prevention programs being studied. Objective: to describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of ischemic stroke in the emergency room of the Hospitals of San José and Infantile University of San José, Bogotá DC, from April 2012 to March 2013. Materials and methods: series of cases assessing the severity of admission and discharge with the NIHSS scale and intrahospital follow-up to report functionality, disability and mortality. Results: 157 patients with a mean age of 67 years (SD: 17.5), 58% women, 110 (70.1%) with hypertension as a known risk factor. In 72 (45.9%) the functionality at admission was evaluated, 55 were independent (76.3%); at discharge it was applied to 60, finding moderate dependence in 16 (26.7%) and independence 19 (31.7%). The severity at admission was assessed in 142 patients (NIHSS), being mild in 100 (63.7%). Mortality of ten was recorded due to cerebrovascular disease (6.3%). Conclusion: the designed instrument allowed to recognize the risk factors modifiable or not, in our population, the secondary prevention therapies and to identify faults in approach and treatment. Abbreviations: ACV, cerebrovascular attack; Hypertension, arterial hypertension.



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