Use of methadxil in acute alcoholic alcohol intoxication. Emergency service of the Hospital of San José, Bogotá, D.C.

Uso de metadoxilo en la intoxicación alcohólica etílica aguda. Servicio de urgencias del Hospital de San José, Bogotá, D.C.

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Camilo Uribe Granja
Diego Hernández Barrera
Edwin Cano Organista
Jhon González Ferreira
Manuel Silva Flores


Introduction: Alcohol abuse and dependence are public health problems, with morbidity and mortality that require expensive attention in the emergency services. The prevalence in Colombia is similar to the global one with consumption at a younger age. Objective: to describe the clinical response and the time of improvement of alcohol intoxication in patients treated with metadoxil vs. conventional therapy. Methods: study of series of cases with clinical diagnosis of alcoholic intoxication grades 2 and 3, older than 18 years, in the emergency department, who received standard treatment and this same metadoxil. Results: 39 patients were included, 79.4% men, equivalent distribution in both treatment groups with an average age of 35 ± 13.3 years. There was improvement at 30 minutes in seven patients with metadoxil and three with conventional management, at 60 minutes eight improved with methadxil and five with conventional. Conclusions: methadxil can be fundamental in the management of alcohol intoxication, decreasing the time of medical observation in the emergency department.



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