Thyroid cancer: clinical and histopathological features San Jose Hospital endocrinology department Bogota DC. 2000-2010

Cáncer de tiroides: características clínicas e histopatológicas Servicio de endocrinología, hospital de San José Bogotá dc, 2000-2010

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William Rojas
John Jairo Vivas Díaz


Thyroid cancer is the most common head and neck malignancy. With a yearly incidence of 5% features a three-fold increase in females approaching their fifties, with more severe complications and relapse in old and in very young patients. Objectives: to describe the clinical and histologic/pathological characteristics of cases seen at the endocrinology department during 2000-2010. Method: case series in 199 clinical records of thyroid cancer. Results: the mean age at diagnosis was 40 years (13-75), 34.1% were older than 45 and 86.9% (n  173)  were females;  73.3% (n 146) felt a lump in the neck. Classical papillary carcinoma was found in 63.2% (n 126), followed by follicular carcinoma in 26.6% (n 53). The mean follow-up period was five months with an IQR of 2 to 18. In younger than 45 years of age patients relapse involved cervical lymph nodes in 60.8% (n 46). In older than 45, sixteen presented relapse, 56% involving lymph nodes and 37.5 % involving lung. Conclusions: as seen in other reports, thyroid cancer was more common in females in their fifties with classical papillary carcinoma. Relapses involved cervical lymph nodes and Iung. More severe clinical stages were associated with earlier relapses.



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