Use of dipyrone in hospitalized patients

Uso de dipirona en pacientes hospitalizados

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Rocío Moreno de Santacruz
Carmen Yaneth Buitrago
Margarita Pérez Pérez


Dipyrone is an analgesic and antipyretic widely used in Colombia; It is considered in other countries as a harmful medicine. The objective of this work is to determine its use as an analgesic for the management of pain in a third level entity. Descriptive cross-sectional study, with a population of 240 adults who received treatment with dipyrone; The data sources are the clinical history, the consumption reported by pharmacy in 2011 and the monthly calculation of the defined daily doses. Statistical analysis of the information was carried out in Stata 10. This drug was found to be the first-line analgesic in the institution for the management of pain in the postoperative period, with a prescription dose higher than that established by WHO. We analyze the possible relationship with adverse reactions, which occurred in 52% of patients, such as hypotension (98%) and skin rash (2%). It is concluded that there is a need to adjust the dose to 3 g / day to observe the clinical effectiveness of the medication and the economic impact on the institution. Abbreviations: DDD, defined daily dose.



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