Management in Colombia of evidence extracted in surgery to maintain the chain of custody. Expert consensus

Manejo en Colombia de evidencias extraídas en cirugía para mantener la cadena de custodia. Consenso de expertos

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Naida Lizeth Beltrán Pérez


Introduction: in Colombia the process of recovery and handling of evidences is governed by resolutions 2,869 of 2003 and 6,394 of 2004 that establish the chain of custody manual. Its application is mandatory for judicial police officers and those who by their profession or condition have contact with evidence including health personnel. The National Health Superintendence and the District Health Department demand that the institutions providing health services (IPS), the lifting and implementation of the processes related to maintaining the chain of custody in the care of patients who require it, because those described in the manual do not comply with the handling of the material obtained from surgical patients. Objective: to propose rules on medical legal evidence in surgery to preserve the chain of custody in Colombia. Methods: expert consensus with Delphi technique. Results: 38 recommendations were established by type of evidence (ballistic material, sharps elements, narcotic drugs and biological tests) and according to the surgical moment (before, during and after).



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