Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson disease patients Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC. Colombia

Síntomas no motores en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson Hospital de San José, Bogotá, DC Colombia

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Eduardo Palacios Sánchez
Carlos Javier Perdomo Rivera
Mauricio Patiño Rodríguez


Introduction: Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder with a prevalence of 4.7 per 1000 people in Colombia. Non-motor symptoms (NMS) are included in the spectrum for they lead to increased morbility and impaired quality of life. Overall Objective: to describe the frequency of NMS in patients diagnosed with PD who attend the neurology outpatient clinic at Hospital de San José de Bogotá DC. Methods: series of adults who consulted between April and September 2011 who met the diagnostic criteria for PD according to the UK Brain Data Bank. The PD NMS quest questionnaire validated in Spanish was used. Results: fifty-five patients, men 61.8%, average age 68 years (SD 9.8) were surveyed. A clinical course equal to or less than 5 years was documented in 51 % and 85.5% were classified between stages I and II according to the Hoehn and Yahr scale. The most common NMS are: urgent urination 76.4%, melancholia 74.5%, unpleasant sensation in the Iegs during the night or need to move the legs 67.2% and having trouble remembering things 61.8%. Conclusions: NMS are often found in our population. The urinary tract is most commonly involved. Patient should be asked about NMS in order to offer a comprehensive management. Further studies on our population evaluating quality of life are required.



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