Work motivation factors in the Nursing Department of a fourth level hospital in the city of Bogota

Factores motivacionales hacia el trabajo en el Departamento de Enfermería de un hospital de cuarto nivel en la ciudad de Bogotá

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Juan Álvaro Oliveros
Johan Sebastián Fandiño
Yury Marcela Torres


The motivation that employees have towards work influences how this will be performed, given that each hospital employee has particular preferences and interests. For this reason, a work motivation questionnaire was used with the aim of generating a motivation profile of the hospital nursing staff. This was completed by 398 nursing staff subjects, and led to finding different motivational interests from the variables defined by the questionnaire. The variables with a higher perception of interest were self-actualisation, dedication to work, and working in a group, with those of lower interest being achievement, expectation, and promotion. Furthermore, it could be concluded that the majority of staff are mainly motivated by external conditions.



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