History of FUCS research division: 10th anniversary

Historia de la división de investigaciones FUCS diez años

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Ornar Segura
Merideidy Plazas
Licet Villamizar
Luidy Geovana González
William Rojas
Esperanza Peña
Guillermo Sánchez
Edgar Muñoz


This compared review describes the stages of development of the FUCS Research Division, from its "embryo" in 1997, its official birth in 2002, and its growth and consolidation process, since that time, in aspects such as objectives, staff, instruction, up to the creation of today's Research Group and Division. A qualitative approach was used for in-depth interviews, documental analysis and photography files review, followed by, organizing reference data and compiling data in a written version in order to socialize and achieve an agreement among co-authors. Accordingly, this review pictures the Research Division on its 10th anniversary as an administrative and organic university academic structure, part of the Office of Academic Affairs, as a foil dynamic activity, who's members understand its potential as well as its own limitations to act, with daily new challenges as to inquiries, research and innovation in health issues.



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