Original works on acute kidney injury: what is currently available in Colombia?

Trabajos originales en Colombia de lesión renal aguda ¿Qué hay disponible a nivel nacional?

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Javier Enrique Cely
Elkin José Mendoza
Luis Carlos Pérez
Janeth Marcela Mateus
Gustavo Adolfo Luque
Javier Alexander Contreras
Juan José Diaztagle


Introduction: acute kidney injury (AKI) is a clinical syndrome encompassing various etiologies. Strategies for prevention and management of affected patients should be based on local epidemiologic data. Original works on this topic in Latin America are scarce and current status of research on AKI in Colombia is unknown. Objective: to determine the available AKI literature in Colombia. Methodology: a review of the literature from Embase, Medline-Cochrane Library and Lilacs online databases and the most representative printed local journal articles on the topic from 1970 to date. Articles related to chronic kidney disease, kidney transplantation and primary glomerular disease were excluded.  Results: we identified 46 Colombian research articles on AKI of which 16 (34.7%) were original works, 11 (23.9%) were reports and case series, 10 (.21.7%) were topic reviews, 7 (15.2%) were poster presentations and 2 (4.3%) were guides and consensus protocols. Of the original works, 11 (68.7%) were on intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The highest number of articles published in Colombia on AKI was found in the Colombian Journal of Critical Care. Conclusions: Colombian AKI literature is heterogeneous and most of the original works focus on critically ill patients hospitalized at the ICU. There are few publications on the epidemiology of AKI and there is no unified data at the national level.



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