A validation experience of patient education material on anticoagulation in an outpatient clinic

Experiencia de validación de material educativo pacientes anticoagulados en un servicio de consulta externa.

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Maria Helena Solano


Anticoagulation therapy is indicated in thrombotic processes and requires a comprehensive management for decreasing adverse events. Follow-up measures include monitoring, surveillance and continuous education by means of creating pedagogic alternatives which facilitate the reception and appropriation of information. Objective: to validate educational materials for patients attending the hematology service undergoing anticoagulation therapy. Methodology: a three-phase process including bibliographic search, construction and design of education materials and validation. The last phase included two steps, technical validation and community surveillance. Results: 19 documents were identified but did not report on validation processes. Based on the analysis of the available documents it was considered that an educational booklet was the most appropriate material for this population. Discussion: patient education materials are a frequently used tool by health systems, as supplement to care provided outside the doctor´s office, but rigorous validation processes of this type of materials on hematology are scarce. 



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