Coping strategies for relatives of critically ill patients

Estrategias de afrontamiento en familiares de pacientes críticos

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Sandra Yamile Guzmán-Romero
Diana Patricia González Ruíz
Sandra Milena Hernández Zambrano


Introduction: the stay in the intensive care unit generates changes in the family dynamics caused by alterations in its daily activities that force the use of strategies that mitigate them. Objective: to describe the coping strategies for the relatives of critically ill patients. Materials and methods: integrative review of the literature in the PUBMED, LILACS, EPISTEMONIKOS, CUIDEN, SCIELO, CINAHL y CLINICALKEY databases, obtaining 13 articles: 7 quantitative observational studies, 4 qualitative phenomenological studies and 2 systematic reviews. Results: it was determined that the most used strategies by relatives of critically ill patients are emotional response, social support, values and beliefs and family crisis. The most recurrent in the studies reviewed is the emotional response due to the emotional involvement of the family members in the hospitalization of their loved ones.  Conclusion: the emotional response used by relatives as a strategy shows the need for nurses to guarantee spaces for approaching and expressing feelings. Health services should prioritize humanized treatment and communication according to the need of family members.



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Author Biography

Sandra Milena Hernández Zambrano, Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud

Docente Investigadora, Facultad de Enfermería. 


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