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Freedom of conscience in the hidden curriculum of the nursing faculty

Libertad de conciencia en el currículo oculto de la facultad de enfermería

Original Articles

How to Cite
Muñoz de Bermúdez, O. (2000). Freedom of conscience in the hidden curriculum of the nursing faculty. Journal of Medicine and Surgery Repertoire, 9(1), 27-30.



Olga Muñoz de Bermúdez

    The purpose of the research is to integrate in the hidden curriculum of the nursing faculty of the University Foundation of Health Sciences (FUCS), the freedom of conscience as an ethical tool for nurses to solve ethical dilemmas. To this end, a descriptive study was carried out to find out if the nurse lived through ethical dilemmas and knew the freedom of conscience, by applying a semi-structured survey to professors, students and graduates of the nursing faculty; In this way, it could be concluded that the nurse lives ethical dilemmas frequently and does not know the freedom of conscience, so the objection of conscience does not apply in the performance of his professional work. Consequently, it is proposed to train the nursing professional in the freedom of conscience from the undergraduate level, so that he is able to reject situations that go against his moral and professional formation. Thus, the nurse will improve their working environment and will be able to protect the rights of the patient, based on human rights and the Political Constitution of Colombia

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