Conventional and liquid-based cytology in a shared sample of cervical shots
Citología convencional y en base líquida en muestra compartida de tomas cervicouterinas
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Objective: to standardize the liquid based cytology technique by using the fixative medium (BDSUREPAth) and cytocentrifuge and to identify the possible advantages over conventional cytology in a shared sample of cervical shots. Methods: 92 samples of women who attended the social projection program campaigns of the University Foundation of Health Sciences, Bogotá DC, Colombia, were included. Results: of the 92 samples, 89 were negative for conventional cytology and 75 for liquid base, with a greater number of cases with squamous cell abnormalities in liquid based cytology. Conclusions: the squamous cells maintain their cytoplasmic tonality being basophilic or acidophilic, conserving the translucent of the cytoplasm; the glandular cells preserve their honeycombed or palisade pattern. By means of liquid based cytology, cleaner funds are obtained, the epithelial cell atypia were easier to identify as well as the pathogenic microorganisms. Abbreviations: HPV, human papillomavirus; ASC-US, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance.
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