Educational methods towards developing indispensable skills and knowledge

Los métodos educativos hacia un desarrollo de habilidades y aprendizaje imprescindibles

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July Bibiana Castro Báez
Karen Vanessa Muñoz Chamorro
Cristian Yecid Goyeneche Casanova
Nicolás Andrés Zambrano Ramírez
Valeria Andrea Villanueva Buena


The field of education requires continuous updating and innovation, both of the information transmitted and the methodology used, in order to develop an appropriate teaching-learning process. Therefore, different strategies must be used to adapt to the needs of the students and attract their attention. In the area of health sciences, it is clear that one of the primary objectives of the educational process is the full transmission of information, the consolidation of concepts and the acquisition of skills by the student, nevertheless, over time, conventional methods have lost validity and demonstrate lower quality compared to new pedagogical strategies that have been implemented.

The Information and Communication Technologies (blogs, online courses, podcasts, among others), play a relevant role within the process of updating educational methods, since they are more affordable and modern tools that can be designed in a concrete and attractive manner for students, so it is of utmost importance to take them into account when designing pedagogical programs and applying them to contingency situations, such as the one we are currently experiencing.



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Article Details


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