Adoption and use of emerging technologies among educational institutions within the framework of online education amid COVID-19

Uso y apropiación escolar de tecnologías emergentes dentro del marco de educación virtual generada por el COVID-19

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Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón


Introduction: to identify the adoption and use of emerging technologies, within the framework of online education amid COVID-19 in Colombia, a closed-ended items survey was applied to a sample of five hundred students enrolled at the General Santander educational institute in the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Objective: to analyze eleven questions included in the survey related with teacher-student communication channels to hold virtual classes. Methodology: we worked on two research hypotheses. The SPSS v 25.0 statistical package and the Kruskal –Wallis Hypothesis Test were used for data processing. Results: the significance level was 0.014, which is less than α= 0.05, therefore, the hypothesis (Ho) was accepted, which means the diverse ICT-based teacher-student communication channels are different in the secondary school levels of the General Santander educational institute. Conclusion: according to the Kruskal-Wallis test assess for significant differences, it was determined that the various channels of ICT-based communication between students and teachers are different in the secondary school levels of the General Santander educational institute, because the higher the secondary school level the older the students, hence, these students have the required experience and knowledge to use the technological tools.



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Author Biography

Jorge Enrique Díaz Pinzón, Secretaría de Educación de Soacha

 Ingeniero. Magister en Gestión de la Tecnología Educativa, Especialista en Administración de la Informática Educativa. Docente de matemáticas e Investigador.


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