History and professional profile of surgical instrumentation

Historia y perfil profesional de la instrumentación quirúrgica

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Jeannette Neira González


From its beginnings in the forties to the present day, surgical instrumentation has gone through an arduous path for its professionalization. The profile of the surgical instrumenter formed in the University Foundation of Health Sciences is that of an integral professional, committed to the community participation and with a solid social, humanistic and scientific formation, so that he can perform in the areas of administration, teaching , research, marketing, sterilization centers, surgery rooms, supply of materials, hemodynamics and cardiac perfusion


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1. ACITEQ. Pasado, presente y futuro de la instrumentación quirúrgica, 1996.

2. Di Domenico J. Colaboración con aporte de reseña histórica, 2000.

3. Artunduaga Montenegro GE, Gómez Méndez SP, Leguizamón Chaparro Y. Perfil profesional de la instrumentadora quirúrgica. 1997.

4. Aguilera S. Alvarez B, Avendaño N, Balamba D, Manso W, Paredes M. y col. Pasado, presente y futuro de la instrumentación quirúrgica. 1998.

5. Ramírez L, Moreno Y, Perdomo L, Peña M, Hernández H. Díaz A. Reseña histórica de la instrumentación quirúrgica en el Hospital de San José.

6. Cámara de Representantes. Ponencia de la Ley Número 086 de 1999.

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