A multi-factor approach to the physiopathology of obesity: COD2 model

Acercamiento multifactorial a la fisiopatología de la obesidad. Modelo de abordaje COD2 COD2 approach model

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Ricardo Rosero Revelo
Jorge Palacio Uribe
Adriana María Jaramillo
Juan Pablo Polanco
Paola Cubillos Rizo
Alicia Uribe Jaramillo
Isabel Cossio Salazar
Juan Pablo Álzate Arbeláez
Juan Gabriel Cendales


Obesity is currently considered as one of the major life-threatening conditions affecting the healthcare system. The accelerated increase in prevalence and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases establishes an historical precedent as a global public health issue. The increased incidence of obesity and chronic diseases, has led multiple health researchers to try to identify a clear triggering factor contributing to obesity. There are numerous causes which explain its aggressive, progressive and chronic behavior. However, they do not satisfactorily elucidate a unique triggering factor which would determine a unique treatment to help decelerate its rapid expansion. This article seeks to explain the major causal factors and mechanisms leading to obesity, in order to find the most
appropriate approach for obese patients seeking treatment options (COD2 model).



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Author Biographies

Ricardo Rosero Revelo, Clínica Las Américas Medellín

Médico Internista y Endocrinólogo COD2

Jorge Palacio Uribe, Clínica Las Américas

Médico Deportólogo COD2

Adriana María Jaramillo, Clínica Las Américas

Médica Pediatra y Endocrinóloga COD2

Paola Cubillos Rizo, Clínica Las Américas

Médica Especialista en Naturopatía y Medicina Funcional COD2

Alicia Uribe Jaramillo, Clínica Las Américas

Psicóloga Clínica y Maestría en Psicología


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