Electrocardiographic findings in permanent pacemaker patients: A literature review

Hallazgos electrocardiográficos en pacientes con marcapasos definitivos: revisión de la literatura

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Alejandro Olaya Sánchez
Gilberto Jaramillo Trujillo


Cardiac [artificial] pacemakers have been part of the therapeutic arsenal for the treatment of a variety of bradyarrhythmias during many decades. With the development of pulse generators, pacemakers are now smaller in size and have increased device longevity and complexity. The latest pacemakers have the ability to detect rhythm and provide cardiovascular disease states. Several algorithms were designed to offer a time to deliver a stimulus pulse. Even more modern pacemakers are capable to provide diagnoses which indicate cardiovascular physiopathology. The use of stimulation has increased significantly from 46.7/100.000 in 1993 to 61.6/100.000 in 2009, showed by the dual chamber device use rate which has increased from 62 to 82% during this period, with around 20.000 upgrades perfor- med yearly in the United States. The electrocardiographic traces vary according to the type of device, number and location of electrodes, as well as their configuration. Doctors must be familiar with these findings and have an understanding of the main causes of malfunction. This review was undertaken for that purpose showing the main features of pacemaker functioning, as well as, the correct interpretation of electrocardiographic traces and the main causes of malfunction.



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