Sttrutful Prurigo: Effect of ivermectin

Prurigo estrófulo: Efecto de la ivermectina

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José Guillermo Forero
Juan Augusto Perna
Camilo Remolina


Streptive prurigo (PE) is a frequent reason for consultation in dermatopediatrics. Some authors have reported benefits with the use of ivermectin.i This work seeks to assess the effect of ivermectin in a group of patients (51 people in the case group and 27 as control). After treatment, improvement of papules was observed in 34 of 51 patients; the macules also improved, although they persisted, in 34 of 42 patients. Regarding pruritus, it disappeared in 40 of the 51 patients in the case group. In the group of controls, it was observed that after providing general recommendations, the macules decreased in 11 of 19 people; papules improved in 4 out of 14 and pruritus in 7 patients. Compared with the control group, among those assigned to the group of cases there was a decrease in papules, with a significant p value of 0.05, but not with respect to the macules, where the decrease in the case group with respect to control it was not significant (p = 0.07); the pruritus disappeared in 87% of the cases against 33% of the controls. In conclusion, ivermectin may be useful for the management of some cases of prurigo in pediatrics.



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