Molecular detection of human papillomavirus by means of the polymerase chain reaction in displaced and indigent women with negative cervicovaginal cytology

Detección molecular del virus del papiloma humano por medio de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en mujeres desplazadas e indigentes con citología cervicovaginal negativa

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Johanna Alarcón Roncancio
Martha Valle Anaya


In Colombia, there are no studies conducted in the population of destitute displaced persons where the human papillomavirus (HPV) has been detected at the molecular level through the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the latency state. This is how we investigated a group of 122 sexually active women with negative cervicovaginal cytology; of these, a subgroup of 58 was taken at random. They underwent PCR to detect the virus in a state of latency and typify 16 and 18, considered high risk for the progression of preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions. They were 21% positive for DNA-HPV that is 12/58; two of them were positive for HPV 16 and none for HPV 18. These findings were related to the age of the woman, the age at which sexual intercourse began, the number of sexual partners, the use of condoms and the level of education.



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