Cervicovaginal cytology in high and low risk population

Citología cervicovaginal en población de alto y bajo riesgo

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Jazmin Beltrán Mayorga
Yaneth Rojas Aguilar
Claudia Salamanca Sánchez


Having multiple sexual partners and not using barrier methods are predisposing factors to suffer cervicovaginal infection or preneoplastic injury. This is how the concern arises to analyze a high-risk population (women from tolerance zones) and correlate it with a low-risk population (housewives), to observe the frequency with which the infection and injury occurs, as well as to know the most used planning methods, to compare them with the data of the literature. We worked with 134 patients, 67 of low and 67 of high risk, observing a higher frequency of microorganisms in the high risk population, such as Gardnerella (19%) and fungi (9%). The same happened with preneoplastic lesions, observing a higher incidence in the high-risk population with 4% of low-grade intraepithelial lesion due to human papillomavirus (LEI Bg-HPV), 3% presented atypias in squamous cells of undetermined significance ( ASCUS); while in the low risk population the figures were lower. The most commonly used planning methods were Pomeroy (16%) and pills (15%) in the low-risk population, while the other one had greater use of Pomeroy and condoms (20% and 16% respectively).



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