Immunofluorescence labelling of paraffin-fixed and embedded tissue sections (IF-P). From the surgical pathology perspective

Inmunofluorescencia en tejidos fijados y preservados en parafina (IF-P). Una mirada desde la patología quirúrgica

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Rafael Parra-Medina
José Fernando Polo


The objective of immunofluorescence labelling of paraffin-fixed and embedded tissue sections (IF-P), as well as of immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF) staining, is to detect the presence of antigens using the antigen-antibody interaction. This technique is little- known in surgical pathology for it has primarily been used in experimental studies. This article aims to review the basic concepts of IF-P, and identify its advantages and disadvantages compared with IF and IHC, and its possible applications in the surgical pathology field.



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