Findings in bronchoalveolar lavage processed using a cytospin technique and convential cytology

Hallazgos del lavado broncoalveolar procesado con técnica de cytospin y citología convencional

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José Fernando Polo
Victoria Elena Peña
Cristian Jair Pérez


The cytological interpretation of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) specimen is currently performed using conventional cytology and cytospin preparations. The atter features concentrated preparations in a 6-mm area for sample visualisation and reduced reading time, with no deterioration in quality.
Objective: To determine the differences in reading time and quality, between the conventional technique and the cytospin technique.
Study design: A cross-sectional study was conducted on BAL specimens that were processed using the conventional technique and the cytospin technique.  Reading time for diagnosis between the 2 techniques was compared. Quality was assessed taking into account, cell preservation and inflammatory cells in mears. The difference in time was calculated using the Wilcoxon test.
Results: Eighty (80) BAL slides were examined, 40 by the conventional technique and 40 by the cytospin technique. A differential count was not performed in 6 cases, in 4 due to excessive number of squamous cells and in 2 cases, processed by the conventional technique, due to exhibiting less than 300 cells. A marked degeneration of epithelial cells was observed using the conventional technique, showing a significant difference in reading time (P<.001).

Conclusions: A significant difference was found between reading times of the 2 techniques, which was longer when using the conventional technique. Better quality smears were observed when using the cytospin technique.



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