Post operative period of transnasal endoscopic surgery for polyposis: use of Montelukast and relapse follow up

Posoperatorio endoscópico transnasal por poliposis: uso de Montelukast y seguimiento a la recurrencia

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María Alejandra Taborda Samper
Miguel Ángel González Romero
Alejandro Motta Cortés


Nasal polyposis is one of the most common reasons for consultation in rhinosinusology with an insidious presentation with high impact on quality of life and poor response to common treatments. Objective: to describe relapse of nasal polyposis and level of control with the use of montelukast in the postoperative period of transnasal endoscopic surgery at Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC. Methods: preliminary report on a cohort prospective study with a 6-month follow­ up of 12 patients operated for nasal polyposis, using a 10 mg daily dose of montelukast. Results: a satisfactory symptomatic control was obtained with montelukast combined with topic steroids during the postoperative period in morethan 75% of patients. Adherence to treatment was adequate in more than 90% of cases. Early relapses (between second and third month) were found by nasofibro-laryngoscopy in 33% of 12 patients after a 6-month follow-up. Conclusion: the use of montelukast is acknowledged as a factor which combined with the classical treatment with nasal topic steroids, achieves adequate symptomatic control and is promissory for relapse prevention.



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