Epidemiological profile of the emergency service according to the reason for consultation. Hospital of San José de Bogotá, September 2011 to February 2012

Perfil epidemiológico del servicio de urgencias según motivo de consulta. Hospital de San José de Bogotá, Septiembre 2011 a Febrero 2012

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Erich Steve Picón Silva
Julián Hernando Salgado Hernández
Migel Ángel Saavedra Ortiz


Introduction: the emergency service of the San José Hospital of Bogotá DC advances the implementation of a program of clinical records for statistical purposes and research purposes. Objective: to establish the epidemiological profile of the adult emergency service based on the e-health software information in a period of six months. Methods: 18,519 records were obtained from September 2011 to February 2012. The variables considered were age, gender, responsible for payment of care, triage classification, waiting time for care and reason for consultation; the data were processed with frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion in Stata 10. Results: the population attended was mostly under 50 years old (65%), 52.6% were men, the average age was 43 years, the main payer corresponds to the insurer (EPS 90.3%), the most frequent reasons for consultation were abdominal pain (61.2%), trauma (14.2%) and headache (10.2%). The waiting time for the care was less than fifteen minutes in 85% of the cases. Conclusion: there were no differences between the epidemiological profile obtained with the information provided by the e-Health registry system and the previous one of the billing staff. The findings suggest adjusting and expanding the tracer guides of the service.



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