Identification of tecnological capabilities of Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, Colombia

Identificación de las capacidades tecnológicas de la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, Colombia

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Milenka Linneth Argote Cusi


Innovation involves technological capabilities. What are the technological capabilities of Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud-FUCS, Colombia? Objective: to measure the level of technological capabilities in the FUCS area of medical sciences considering the following aspects: human capital, finance in I+D+I, measure of innovation, technology transfer, use and appropriation of new technologies, organizational learning processes and productivity. Methods and Data: a qualitative research in which a technological capability conceptual framework in the university sector was created in the first phase, for only references in the industrial sector were found. A semi-structured questionnaire with key actors to identify products and/or services with commercial and/or patentability potential was applied in the second phase.  The life-course methodology was used in the third phase to conduct an in-depth study in product life cycle to identify difficulties in the decision making processes. Results: we established a technological surveillance route in the organization, when a FUCS database of products and/or services with commercial and/or patentability potential was developed by applying a semi-structured interview to key actors. The main challenge identified was to build a continuous innovation-oriented culture in the organization and develop the normativity regarding intellectual property rights defining the rules of the game.



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Author Biography

Milenka Linneth Argote Cusi , Data Scientist de BI&DE SAS

Business Intelligence & Demography SAS


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