A reflection about attitudes towards Alzheimer's disease

Una reflexión sobre las actitudes hacia la Enfermedad de Alzheimer

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Introduction: Alzheimer ́s disease (AD) is considered a chronic condition with high prevalence worldwide. Its symptomatology, the impact it causes on patient ́s ability to function and the negative changes in his or her social support network have made it a very interesting topic for research. The idea of developing AD and living with it give rise to diverse attitudes, that is, the tendency to take a stance in favor of or against AD. This article aims to make a reflection on the attitudes towards AD, based on the findings obtained in a review of the literature published between 2000 and 2020. Results: we found various beliefs regarding AD, related with its etiology, course and treatment, as well as the predominance of negative feelings and emotions towards it. Our attention is caught by the behaviors aimed at seeking developments in its prevention. Conclusions: we reflect on the relevance and pertinence of considering the evaluation of attitudes in the contexts of health



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Author Biography

Ximena Palacios-Espinosa, Universidad del Rosario

Profesora titular Programa de Psicología,  Universidad del Rosario

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