Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord and atrophic gastritis: a literature review

Degeneración combinada subaguda de la médula y gastritis atrófica: revisión de la literatura

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Jorge Luis Rojas Flórez
Libardo Sanchéz
Nelson Barrero Torres
Karen Giselle Ramírez Mora
Viviana Tíjaro Merchán
Viviana Poveda Hurtado
Alejandra Abella Rodríguez
Dilia Daza Araujo


Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord is a consequence of vitamin B12 deficiency. Its clinical presentation includes paresthesia, and proprioception and vibratory sensation loss, which can become disabling. We report the case of an elderly patient who experienced initial paresthesia which progressed to paraparesis, as well as some memory loss. Based on his physical examination a diagnostic impression of myelitis was made. Further investigation evidenced cyanocobalamin deficiency. Patient was treated with vitamin B12 supplementation, obtaining an adequate response. There are numerous causes of vitamin B12 deficiency, however, its treatment is simple, and its early initiation can prevent severe neurological symptoms leading to disability.



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