Surgical Instrument: Iatrogenia, frequent events and responsibility in the operating room

Instrumentador quirúrgico: Iatrogenia, eventos frecuentes y responsabilidad en el quirófano

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Henry David Tole
Nicole Cadavid


Objective: To establish the concepts of iatrogenic and responsibility for the events the operating room, with the basis of the functions of the arranger surgical, on the basis of the revision of the literature. Methodology: In the construction of the review, they took into account primary studies published in various databases (Scielo. Pubmed, Lilacs, Redalycs etc.) as well as documentation development virtual. This search methodology is collected a total of 71 articles that determined the responsibility of the surgical team, iatrogenies in surgery and analysis of the damage to the patient; the information of each article was condensed and analyzed with the analytical summary of education (SAR). The words your own keys of the limits for the review are iatrogenics, iatrogenic, negligence, malpractice, error surgical, arranger surgical, nurse of operating theaters and harm to the patient. Results: It was obtained a sample of 54 sources of information. Analyzes the profile of the arranger Surgical from its established functions, until reaching the possible responsibility in events frequent iatrogenic immersed in the specific functions, such as burns, surgical oblitos, deficiency documentary, audit technology, insufficient inputs, handling of specimens and security protocols. Conclusions contextualize the term of iatrogenic complications from the knowledge of the arranger surgical, identifying the iatrogenies or damage the patient more frequent or related to the functions of the arranger surgical; it is determined that the act of the professional has direct link with the error and in turn it is concluded that there is no studies directly on the responsibility of this professional individually. 



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