Early menopause: Is premature ovarian failure always a precocious menopause?

Menopausia precoz: ¿La falla ovárica prematura siempre es una menopausia precoz?

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Roberto Jaramillo U.


At age 40 or earlier, about 1% of women develop premature ovarian failure, which is manifested by amenorrhea, sterility, deficiency of steroid hormones and elevation of gonadotropins. Women with normal karyotype have functional follicles that act intermittently (50%) and even some manage to get pregnant (5% to 10%) naturally, therefore the failure may be transient. In general terms, the management of patients who want pregnancies includes ovulation-inducing therapies and, in some cases, egg donation. Hormone replacement therapy should be instituted once the diagnosis has been made. Finally, it is important to remember that premature ovarian failure is not always an early menopause.


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