Prevalence of premalignant and malignant cervical lesions

Prevalencia de lesiones cervicales premalignas y malignas

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Liliana Mercedes Moreno
Arly Avila Agamez
Sonia Edith Saavedra Lancheros
Katherine Zambrano Ochoa


At the San José Hospital since December 2001, quality control of cervicovaginal cytologies (CCV) of the Prevention and Prevention (P & P) program of an EPS has been carried out, which aims to identify precancerous lesions in a timely manner. of the cervix. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of premalignant and malignant lesions in the CCV of the program between January 2002 and December 2003. 162,487 CCV were evaluated, classified according to the Bethesda system categories, the annual prevalence of positive cytologies was determined and the annual prevalence for each category of injury. Similarity was found in the annual prevalence of each lesion, which indicates satisfactory results for the P and P program. Additionally, comparisons were made with national figures from the League of Fight Against Cancer and the District Department of Health of Bogotá.



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Article Details


1. Cortes Yépes H. Papiloma virus y cáncer de cérvix. Rev Col Obst y Gin. 2002; 54 (2):108.

2. Torres R, J S. Lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales cervicales. Rev Col de Obst y Gin 49 (4): p 217-223.

3. Salomon D, Nayar Red. The Bethesda System for reporting cervical cytology: definitions,criteria,and explanatory notes. New York: Springer, p.1-20, 67-156.

4. COLOMBIA. MINISTERIO DE SALUD. Resolución N° 00412 de febrero 25 de 2000 por la cual se establece las actividades, procedimientos e intervenciones de demanda inducida y obligatorio cumplimiento y adopta las normas técnicas y guías de atención para el desarrollo de las acciones de protección específica y detección temprana y la atención de enfermedades de interés en salud publica. Disponible en

5. COLOMBIA. MINISTERIO DE SALUD. Resolución N° 3384 de diciembre 29 de 2000 por la cual se modifican parcialmente las resoluciones 412 y 1745 de 2000 y se deroga la resolución 1078 de 2000. Disponible en http://www.minprotecció co/.

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