ImmunodeficiImmunocytochemistry for pleural and peritoneal fluids: Standardization of the technique at the Hospital of San Joséency for pleural and peritoneal fluids: Standardization of the technique at the Hospital of San José

Inmunocitoquímica para líquidos de pleura y peritoneo: Estandarización de la técnica en el Hospital de San José

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Claudia Patricia Rivera Tibambre
Andrés Ricardo Rodríguez Romero
Paola Andrea Oviedo Méndez
Samanda Alejandra Velásquez Ojeda


The objective of this research was to standardize and create a protocol for an immunocytochemistry technique in pleural and peritoneal fluids, a very useful procedure as a diagnostic aid when it is not known with certainty where the primary tumor is located. It includes the obtaining of the liquid to determine by means of the traditional procedure if it is positive for malignancy, the method of processing and the development of the immunocytochemical technique. Abbreviations: Ac, antibodies; Ag, antigens; DAB, diaminobenzidine; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; TTF-1, thyroid transcription factor; CK7, keratin.



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