Kidney transplant: Dilemmas and bioethics

Trasplante renal: Dilemas y bioética

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Luis Alberto Blanco Rubio


The progress of science and especially that of kidney transplants merits many ethical reflections, because not all the dilemmas that are presented have been solved and some have not been taken as such. Living donors may be subject to coercion, as they acquire a commitment to the family, society and health team to donate their kidney. Many do not really want to do it, although in the books donation appears as the greatest act of love and solidarity. Not all children want their parents and vice versa, nor do all the brothers love each other. The concepts of solidarity and love are very important, which do not usually appear spontaneously in the lives of individuals. Love is an art that involves giving but in a mature way. Will all donors have this ability to give? If they do not have it, they are likely to be the victim of coercion. As there are so many ethical dilemmas with kidney transplantation, bioethics helps to respond to so many concerns in order to collaborate more effectively with those involved in it. Abbreviations: TR, kidney transplant.



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