Evaluation of healthy lifestyles in the faculty of medicine of the university foundation of health sciences

Evaluación de estilos de vida saludable en la facultad de medicina de la fundación universitaria de ciencias de la salud

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Silvia Lorena Mora
Fabioa Alberto Múnera


Healthy university policy is based on the promotion of health to provide a better quality of life, which promotes human development and promotes the formation of individuals who act as models in healthy behaviors against their family, work and social environment. Objective: to evaluate healthy lifestyles in the population of the Faculty of Medicine of the University Foundation of Health Sciences, Bogotá DC, Colombia. Materials and methods: cross-sectional study. We used a survey proposed by the PAHO that has 10 domains and 45 items, the completion was done by email. Results: in the first semester of 2012 a population of 431 individuals was invited to participate, the response rate was 82% (n 355), 39.7% men. 72% obtained> 70 points which would correspond to good healthy living habits and 0.6% one of ≤40 indicating that they did not have them. 76% did not perform physical activity, 46% did not have adequate rest and 30.8% self-reported bad nutritional habits. Conclusion: although the scale classified more than 70% of the population with healthy habits, the lifestyles related to physical activity, nutrition and rest were inadequate. Collective intervention strategies must be generated that allow modifying the risk factors.



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