Primary chronic pelvic pain: laparoscopic fulguration of uterosacral ligaments vs. Observation only Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC. march 2008 to april 2010

Dolor pélvico crónico primario: fulguración laparoscópica de los ligamentos úterosacros vs. observación hospital de san José, Bogotá DC. marzo 2008 a abril 2010

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Merey Dávila Rodríguez
Sandra Gutiérrez
Orlando Puentes
Sergio Parra


Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) requires an adequate diagnosis and treatment. Surgical therapeutic options (ablation, fulguration of uterosacral ligaments and presacral neurectomy) as well as pharmacological treatments exist. Objective: we sought to compare the level of CPP of unknown etiology treated with laparoscopic fulguration of uterosacral ligaments with observation only, at Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC. Materials and Methods: a prospective cohort study by meaos of a pre-surgical visual analogous scale and follow-up at one, two and six month intervals after the laparoscopy was conducted between March 2008 and April 2010. Results: 69 patients were included, 28 in the fulguration group and 41 in the observation group. There were no intraoperative complications. The media of the pre-surgical Friedman test in the fulguration group was 8 (RIC:6-8) and the media of pelvic pain at six months was 3 (RIC:2-6) with a p-value of 0.001, showing statistic significance in pain improvement over time. The Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon test was used to assess differences between groups at six months obtaining a p-value of0.66, thus no difference between the media of pain in the two groups was observed. Conclusions: there is no significant difference on the improvement of pain between the two groups. Better results may be offered through longer follow-up periods and other surgical techniques.



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