Maternal morbidity and mortality in cases of placenta accreta: a management protocol analysis Hospital de san José, Bogotá DC.

Morbimortalidad de gestantes con acretismo placentario análisis del protocolo de manejo del Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC.

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Margarita María Fadul Valera
Carlos Andrés Beltrán
José Luis Rojas Arias
Edgar Acuña
Alejandro Franco
Saulo Molina


Objective: to describe maternal morbidity and mortality in cases of placenta accreta using Hospital de San José, Bogotá DC management protocol. Materials and Methods: a descriptive retrospective observational study of ali cases of placenta accreta covered by the protocol used at HSJ to manage placent accreta. There were no exclusion criteria. Excel 2007 was used to create a database and STATA 10 for data analysis. Results: Twenty-nine patients with mean age 34 years (SD 3.6) were included. An antecedent history of surgical procedure was present in 96.5 % . Average hospital stay was five days (SD 1.6). Fifty-two percent (52%) required blood producís transfusion and 10.3% underwent a massive transfusion. Surgery - related complications occurred in 17.2%. Infection and disseminated intravascular coagulation were the most common postoperative complications (4.1 % and 8.3% ). Admission into the ICU was required in 24.1 % with a maximum stay of 3 days. Inotropic support and mechanical ventilation (20.7% and 20.7%) were the most common forms of ICU support. There were no maternal deaths. Conclusions: the use of Hospital de San José placenta accreta management protocol resulted in short hospital stay and few complications and need of admission to the ICU compared to that reported in literature.



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