Chronic daily headache: alteration of the thyroid stimulating hormone

Cefalea crónica diaria: alteración de la hormona tiroestimulante

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Ramón Antonio Quintero AJmenárez
Johanna Valderrama Zuluaga
Diana Andrea Sierra Medina


Objective: to describe TSH levels in chronic daily headache (CDH) patients who attended the neurology outpatient clinic at San José and Santa Clara hospitals between May 2008 and May 2010. Methods: a  case series including  those who attended the outpatient clinic and met the CDH criteria. Those with a systemic or structural secondary cause were excluded as well as those taking medication which alter TSH levels. Frequent symptoms associated with hypothyroidism were inquired. Results: the study included 201 patients, 50% were 53 years or less (IQR: 43-63). An abnormal TSH level was found in 79 (39%), sleep disturbance was the most frequent associated symptom (50%), tension-typeheadachewas the most commonly associated with increased TSH in 48 (61.6%) and migrainein 15 (19.2%). Conclusion:explorationfor homeostasis disorders such as hypothyroidism determining TSH levels is recommended inpatients with persistent leading to chronic CDH though taking first-line therapy, for there is a percentageof them who do not meet the most frequent criteria for chronic headaches. This study does not allow an association between CDH and hypothyroidism to be established.



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